the devil wears prada英语电影赏析

513好学 2023-09-30 19:20 编辑:admin 67阅读

一、the devil wears prada英语电影赏析

I think you have to do it by youself!


A Beautiful Mind is an excellent drama that has everything you would want: suspense, sadness, happiness, comedy, an engrossing plot, and good characters (although it doesn't have any real action, except for one sequence that comes to mind). It follows the life of John Nash (acted by Russel Crowe), a mathematician who graduated from Princeton. If you don't have any background on the movie before watching it (like me), then there is a pretty nice plot twist towards the beginning that completely changes the direction of the film.

The film is excellent at illustrating the troubles that Nash encounters throughout his career. Its one of those things that just thinking about could drive you insane. But there are plenty of supporting characters (and opposing characters, that are quite complex) to help him out. In the end, the film gives a feel-good conclusion.

I didn't find the film to be spectacular in any one category, but everything came together to make a neat experience. Its one of those films where you are introduced to a completely different personality than yourself. This makes you think about all those things you haven't taken time to learn about (in this case, mathematics, schizophrenia, and a Nobel laureate's life). Then your left satisfied because you learned some things and had fun. This is a film you'll love if you like dramas.


Mona Lisa Smile is a beautiful film. The whole setting of the liberal arts college, the 50s conservative setup in which the college dwells so firmly in, and the magical aura of a bygone era captivates you right form the start of the film. Top that with some beautiful photography, a nice gripping story and some convincing performances and you've got a great film.

The focus of the film is primarily on the somewhat radical character of Dr Watson (played with finesse by Julia Roberts)and how she deals with the conservative environs of Wellesley College. She is able to build a great rapport with her students, something which happens rather spontaneously and is not explained - one of the flaws in the film. Eventually though , she must face the conservative forces in the college and decide whether she can bend her values and beliefs in order to stay on at the college.

This is one of the better offerings from Hollywood in recent times.
