
513好学 2023-03-11 17:51 编辑:admin 266阅读



文科学士Bachelor of Arts (BA),学费24578.99

文理学士Bachelor of Arts and Science (BA&Sc),学费24553.15

民法学士Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) ,学费48885

商科学士Bachelor of Commerce (BCom),学费55621

教育学士Bachelor of Education (BEd);运动机能学士Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology (BScKin) ,学费22509

工程学士Bachelor of Engineering (BEng),学费49142

生物资源工程学士Bachelor of Engineering in Bioresource Engineering (BEng(Bioresource)),学费48521

音乐学士Bachelor of Music (BMUS) ,学费26333

护理学士Bachelor of Nursing (Integrated) (BN),学费24741

理学学士Bachelor of Science (BSc),学费48665

理疗学士Bachelor of Science (Physical Therapy) ,学费24776

职业治疗学士Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy),学费24776

农业与环境学士Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (BSc(AgEnvSc)) ,学费24522

农学学士Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BSc(Arch)),学费25255

食品科学学士Bachelor of Science in Food Science (BSc(FSc)),学费24522

营养学学士Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences(BSc(NutrSc)) ,学费24522

社工学士Bachelor of Social Work (BSW),学费22461

软件工程学士Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE),学费49142

神学学士Bachelor of Theology (BTh),学费22583
